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Thursday, October 17, 2013

6 Winter Moving Tips and Tricks

6 Winter Moving Tips and Tricks

With the Farmers’ Almanac predicting winter to be piercing, bitterly and biting cold, two-thirds
of the country is bracing for a colder-than-normal season. Just the thought of having to move
house in these conditions sends a shiver down the spine, but as the housing market is on the
rebound and with Americans moving at least 8.2 times in their lifetime, the dreaded task of
relocating is one that many will be faced with during this cold winter.

Below are 6 tips and tricks for moving in the winter.
1—Pack items as usual with one caveat. Make sure any temperature sensitive items
(plants, anything that can freeze, etc.) are well protected and kept from exposure. Most
trucks are not temperature controlled so special care and thought should be given to
protecting these items in transport if they will be in transit for long periods.

2—Dress appropriately. You'll be back and forth, in and out of cold weather, and probably
breaking a sweat regardless. Wear layers that can be easily added or removed as your
temperature fluctuates throughout the day.

3—Prepare for the elements. Icy sidewalks and steps, poor driving conditions and the
elements in general can make moving a box across the street a challenging adventure.
Be prepared with the proper attire and footwear, or even rock salt and sand to cover icy
areas. And don't forget to put down mats by the door of your home to help reduce the
dirt and snow tracked in.

4—Monitor and be flexible. Some natural events cannot be avoided – and an unexpected
blizzard may force you to reschedule your move. Staying on top of the weather
forecasts and staying in communication with your moving company (or moving help)
will help you prepare for any last minute changes you might require, including
rescheduling a move in advance.

5—Keep warmth within reach. Pack a separate box or bag of cold weather gear –
including extra blankets and warm clothing. Make sure to have your car checked if you
will be moving long distance so you can avoid any breakdowns in the frigid middle of
nowhere. And make sure to contact all the utility companies to ensure you'll have
properly functioning heat and hot water when you arrive at your new home. You don't
want to spend your first night shivering.

6—Pack and organize extra early. The more organized you are, the more efficiently you
will complete your move. Why spend more time outside than necessary?


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